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ja2mqtt is a bridge that connects a Jablotron control unit, extended with the JA-121T RS-485 bus interface, to an MQTT broker.

ja2mqtt reads input from the JA-121T serial interface, converts it into MQTT events, and publishes them to the MQTT broker using defined MQTT topics. It utilizes a ja2mqtt definition file that outlines the implementation of the JA-121T protocol. Additionally, ja2mqtt defines MQTT events that can be converted into input for the JA-121T serial interface, such as changing the state of a section to ARMED or READY.


  • Jablotron topology definition in the YAML configuration file, including sections and their codes, names, and peripherals’ positions, types, and names.

  • Jablotron events published as MQTT events, such as section arming and disarming or peripheral state changes.

  • MQTT topics that clients can use to control sections and retrieve section and peripheral states.

  • Declarative rules that define how JA-121T serial bus protocol is implemented.

  • Automated recovery of serial interface and MQTT broker connection failures.

  • JA-121T simulator to simulate section state changes, peripheral state changes, and heartbeat messages.